Celebrating Rob
Well this past summer has been a crazy one and I’m so grateful to have had the time to photograph this amazing family. Rob (aka Grandpa/Dad) was diagnosed recently with a very aggressive form of Pancreatic cancer and told he only had months to live. He and his wife Pauline live way up North with their two youngest sons and came down to see the specialists here in Vancouver in hopes that the cancer could be operable. They had been told that the cancer had spread to other organs in his body. With all of this looming, their children came together to honour him and spend time to take pictures at this pivotal moment in their lives. It was so humbling to be able to document their incredible love for this man who has such a gentle heart. Lots of tears, hugs, kisses and special moments. This is one amazing family who has dedicated their lives to helping others wherever they live.
I am thrilled to share that when the doctors did the biopsy a few days later, they could no longer find cancer in the organs that they had said it had spread to, and there was only cancer found on the pancreas. The Doctors said it is operable and they can extend his life! What a miracle and answer to prayer for this wonderful family of faith!